Thoughts become things

We are what we believe we are.

C.S Lewis
Photo by Binti Malu from Pexels

Our thoughts attract the life we live in. This law was brought to mass attention by the book called The Secret. The Secret helped in coining the term law of attraction.

Whether you know about the law of attraction or not, it is always working for you.

What is the law of attraction?

In the New Thought philosophy, the Law of Attraction is the belief that positive or negative thoughts bring positive or negative experiences into a person’s life.

As per the Law of attraction, everything is energy, you are constantly attracting the circumstances that match your energy. If you think positively and have good thoughts all the time, you are likely to attract positive results. Similarly, if you focused on lack and negativity, then you will attract that into your life.

As I started noticing and practicing this law, I realized that all the major religions of the world were also preaching the same. All the rituals suggested in these religions, make us believe that we are inviting good events to take place, which eventually results in the desired results.

It is similar to the algorithm of Facebook or Google, if you are browsing a dress on a website, it will likely end up on your feed, or you will see similar Ads.

Briefly, we get what we attract.

So, why do unwanted things happen to us when no one wants them to happen?

Photo by Tim Gouw from Pexels

Here, is the fun part of the LOA, it is profoundly working on the way you feel. If you feel worried most of the time, you will observe that you have more things to worry about.

For example:

Do you remember facing heavy traffic when you were wishing to not be late for an event? When you keep thinking that you do not want to face a traffic jam on your way throughout the day, you are more likely to be stuck in the traffic jam. Because each time that you are talking about traffic, you are attracting it.

Focusing on ‘Not wanting XYZ‘ is going to attract XYZ.

Think about the language that you are using while attracting things into your life and re-frame it if situations are not working out for you.

How to make the Law of attraction work for you?

Photo by Vasyl Potochnyi from Pexels

We are constantly attracting people and events subconsciously. So, if you want to change the circumstances that you are in, you will have to make a shift in your thought pattern. You can also start with various meditations, visualization exercises, and vision boards. (I can create an entire handbook on tools and tips – let me know if you are interested)

Feeling is the key: If the things that you want to manifest will make you happy. You will have to start with feeling happy in the first place. You cannot complain about life and attract a good one at the same time.

To attract things that make you feel good, you will have to make efforts to think good.

But, I am doing everything right, feeling good, why is it not working for me?

Then, you need to heal yourself on an emotional level. Sometimes, we don’t see the problem on the surface, we merely check if we are feeling good at the moment. Ask yourself. If there are issues or feelings that you are not confronting yet. Are you trying to cover up your underlying emotions by asking yourself to ignore the unpretty parts of your life?

Photo by bruce mars from Pexels

A happy self is not just putting on a smile, and thinking that everything is alright, it requires work. Happiness has to come from within; you cannot force it.

I hope this sheds some light on the way the Law of Attraction is working for us. I would love to hear your experiences with the LOA and how you manifested the things that you desired.

If you are still struggling with manifesting the things that you want, you can let me know in the comment section below.

Author Mridula


  1. You must feel now as if you already had what you wanted — the law of attraction can’t defy your vibration. You can’t trick the Universe. The process of attraction is a neutral, mechanical process, and delivers output (experience) based on the input (your vibration). It is not judging, deciding or doing anything humans do. It can’t deliver the goods because you are a nice person, you really want something or you are trying really hard to get it. The whole emphasis on “being positive” can lead people astray and makes them think they are supposed to just stuff down their negative feelings and beliefs. But that isn’t what you should be doing. You have to admit your negative feelings and let yourself feel them so you can begin the process of transforming them. You have to be honest about your limiting beliefs, and then work on releasing them.

    • Mridula Reply

      Hi Angelina,I strongly agree. It is not about being positive as much as it is about feeling. If you don’t feel that in alignment then it will be hard for you to manifest.

  2. And if you suffering from some kind of disease .like I have pcod and I lose tons of hair everyday. I do everything right from meditating to yoga eating right and healthy. But still it’s so hard to cope up with my office work
    And it just lowers my confidence and makes me sad

    • Mridula Reply

      It is a very difficult place to be in, it not easy to say that be positive and everything will work out, but stress will only make it worse. It will not only lower your morale but it will also contribute in aggravating hair fall and PCOD. Try pursuing something that you really like for 15 mins each day, it will definitely bring your stress level down.

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