
January 2021


2020 will be a year that we are going to remember for a long time. Many people lost their livelihoods, their lives or their loved ones. The uncertainty of events was like never before. It was tough to imagine that this fast-paced world of ours will come to a halt. We discovered our resiliency and another reminder that we don’t have anything under control. Though this year brought its own challenges and turmoil, there are somethings that I am absolutely grateful for.

a year in review: Slow down

The much needed slow down

It felt like we were always going from one task to another, with so much in our heads. This year was all about reflection. The way we live each day and what are the meaningless things that we should get rid of. There is a rainbow on the other side of the storm, and 2020 was all about that saying. The slow down made me cherish my relationships more. Work from home was a blessing in disguise, which helped me connect to myself and others around me. The pressure of being productive all the time was off, and I embraced the slow mornings and joy in little things.

year in review

Embracing life like never before

I always emphasize living life fully, finding a purpose, and dedicating our days to the things we love. But, after losing two of my close relatives, I had to look deeper into what life is for. It made me question things, to introspect on where I am spending my time. Losing my grandfather was like a reminder to finally grow up. Since I am now a part of the second generation of our family and that was a scary thought. Though I was well aware of the fact that people come and people go but it was not easy to process this and finally letting go of the childhood that was an important part of my upbringing. Then recently I lost my aunt who fought cancer with a smile on her face for four years, nothing lasts forever, and her passing shook me and made me rethink all the things that I have been putting off. Though people never stay in our lives forever, our memory of them does. There is a lot to learn from everyone we meet and she in her own way taught me hundreds of things. We can still smile and feel happy that we got to know them at all, we can smile with tears in our eyes. Grief doesn’t always mean suffering, sometimes it just is.

You cannot take things for granted

One thing that 2020 enforced was to not take time, circumstances, and situations for granted. Take that leap, write that book, and create the music that you have been waiting for. Tell people that you love them. We can never take time for granted, and we all know this very well now.

Working with what we had

I worked on a short movie with my husband, which we shot with a GoPro. Though we created multiple unfinished movies throughout the lockdown we managed to post at least one of them. It was great knowing that we didn’t always have to rely on expensive to get started. What is in your mind needs to find a way to come into the world.

year in review: Yoga classes

Started our online Business

One of the endeavors we have promotes yoga and wellness (Citta Space). During the lockdown, we found out that a lot of Yoga teachers were not able to make any income due to their coronavirus, as most of the people avoided having any external contact. This was another blessing in disguise, and we started providing online yoga classes through digital media. The response was overwhelming, and it was exciting to see so many customers prioritizing their health during this hard time. We continued our Online Yoga Classes from April till October and it was an experience I would have never wanted to miss out on. It was a great experience to provide service see results in a few months.

Life in its complexity is beautiful

Though there was chaos all around, it was amazing to see so many people helping others out during this tough time. A lot of people created something new with their time, many people around me took their hobbies seriously. Every challenge we go through leaves something beautiful behind; sometimes, it is courage, resilience, and a chance to be a better version of ourselves.

I am so grateful that we all stayed connected through the internet, and we were all in this together, which helped in making this otherwise tough year, easier. We started taking more care of our mental health than before.

Wishing you all good health, mental wellbeing and good relationships for the next year.