
May 2022


Welcome back to this space where I will again start pouring my heart out for the things I feel deeply. Pandemic was tough for everyone, and 2021 went by so fast and slow at the same time.

Some of you would be happy to know that I will start posting again. Life is always a whirlwind of emotions and circumstances sometimes, you feel like shutting yourself out from the world and staying protected in your cocoon but there are times when you miss the feeling of seeing the joy on other people’s faces to be a part of someone’s happiness or to be a warm shoulder in someone’s sadness. We all have our roles to play; it is crazy to think that despite everything that is going on in this world, some people would choose war over peace.

In 2021, I thought too much about the kind of pieces I wanted to share or what the world needs right now. And, to be honest, I felt discouraged to even sit in front of my laptop to write because I wasn’t able to come up with something that has never been shared before. As the time passed and my helplessness about this new kind of content grew, I started choosing to let go.

Let go of the idea that everything I write needs to have a meaning for all, or everything I do needs to be productive and helpful. The more I surrendered, the more opportunities I got to meet more people like me. Despite staying at home, my job offered us an opportunity to create web shows highlighting the importance of confidence, mental health, and many useful topics as a part of CSR activity. You can find those episodes on The Morning Show Episodes – Mumbai, Delhi, Kolkata, Bangalore – Map of Me

2021 was a pleasant year, I spent the majority of the time with my partner, and I couldn’t have asked for more and it was a much-needed pause.

Now that we are almost halfway through 2022 (a year goes by so fast), I feel more hopeful about writing and creating things, and above all posting them. Because, I think one year was enough for overthinking and assuming outcomes, sometimes we just have to do a few things for our soul, and going forward, I would choose that over anything else.

Thanks to everyone who followed up on my writing or YouTube and asked me questions like, ‘when is the next video or book is coming out?’ you may not know it, but it helped.