During dinner, on a Saturday night, the ever exciting topic of Stress came up. I have mentioned it in my book, how people think that Stress is an inseparable part of their daily life. One interesting question came up where Someone mentioned knowing that Stress is unhealthy but, it is difficult to distinguish the time which is being spent stressing, from the time being consumed in simply thinking about things.

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Emotions like Jealousy and anger can teach us a lot if we
give them a chance.

Jealousy is one amazing teacher that I met. On few
occasions in the past, I found myself comparing my life to someone else’s and
tried to justify in my mind how my life was better than theirs.

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How do you deal with the process of getting from where you are to where you want to be?
In a lot of cases, we do not participate in the process gracefully, which leads to an unhealthy transformation or an incomplete process.
We usually start our dissing our current self in order to get to the desired place.

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