


Sleeping helps in reviving our bodies and preparing it for the next day, but when that is disordered, our bodies and mood are likely to feel slumped. On the other hand, oversleeping can make us feel unfocused and lifeless throughout the day. Here are some tips to help you sleep peacefully during the lockdown. If you are having trouble sleeping or you are oversleeping and your sleep cycle is entirely messed up, you are not alone. Everyone has been having trouble getting proper sleep during this time. The sleep cycle differs each day, either by oversleeping or sleeping for less than 6 hours in a day.

Why is our sleep cycle disturbed?

natural light in city
Photo by Matthew Landers on Unsplash

1. The lack of natural light

Our bodies usually feel like sleeping as it gets darker during the day, but the absence of natural light indoors creates an imbalance in our body clock. As most of us are staying inside most of the time, our bodies are out of rhythm.

2. Limited physical activity

Imagine your daily routine without a lockdown and all the activities that you perform throughout the day. We spend time commuting, running errands, going to the office, all these activities require energy and by bedtime, that energy is depleted. These everyday activities help us to sleep peacefully.

Photo by Maiko Valentino on Unsplash

3. Stress and Anxiety

One thing that we know is that it is not leisure time for working from home, we are trying to work during a global health crisis. On regular days there are so many ways you could have spent this time. Catching up with friends, sitting in a café, traveling, or working from a prettier location, but all those things are not happening. The stress of household chores and the pressure of utilizing this time to the best of our ability, is adding more discomfort. The news of the rising number of cases and death, there’s a lot to be anxious about, which degrades the quality of our sleep.

How to sleep better?

sleeping on bed peacefully during lockdown

1. Use your bed only for sleeping

Are you reading, watching Netflix and working from home on your bed? If yes, then find another spot. Get a chair, or find some other place to sit, and leave your bed alone. If we are spending most of the time on the bed, then we are slumping during the day and staying less alert throughout. Using your bed solely when you want to take a nap will help your body get comfortable when you want it to.

taking a nap on sofa

2. Avoid napping

Though one quick nap in the afternoon helps, but are we taking just one nap? Your sleep cycle is likely to be disturbed if you are taking multiple naps during the day. You would not feel like sleeping at the right time if your body has been resting throughout the day.

3. Regulate your news consumption

Pick a fixed time to watch the news and do not stay glued to your phone or TV while watching it. Limit yourself to 20 minutes of news consumption each day. Turn off the notification, if you have an app for news on your phone. This can significantly lower your stress level, and lead to a night of better sleep.

4. Create your routine

Decide the time you want to sleep. You have the liberty to decide when you want to start or your day, whether it is 5 AM or 1 PM. Define a fixed time to sleep for at least 6 hours. If you wake up at a time different time each day, you are going to oversleep or be sleep deprived. Pick a consistent bedtime.

5. Have a light dinner

Avoid being too full before bedtime. We should keep a difference of roughly 2 hours between our dinner and bedtime. Do not consume sugar or caffeine before bed, as it can swing the energy level. Take timely meals during the day, we are likely to eat more and untimely, but repress the urge of snacking.

exercise to sleep peacefully

6. Work out regularly

Since there is a very less physical activity when you are indoors, the only thing which gets tired is our mind, not our bodies. Work out regularly to keep the energy flowing through your body and release endorphins. Work out also helps in managing stress better and creating a healthier place for your body and mind.

7. Deep breathing before bedtime

Take deep breaths before you want to fall asleep, do not use your phone after this practice. Deep breathing helps in bringing our attention to our bodies and makes us more present. It helps in releasing the stress we cultivate throughout the day. You can practice deep breathing before 15 minutes of your desired bedtime.

stretching to sleep peacefully during lockdown

8. A good stretch before bedtime

Stretching your body before bed helps in releasing any tension that your body might be carrying. Stretching helps in sleeping faster and improves the quality of sleep.

9. Use sleep hypnosis

This one is my favorite way to sleep and it works every time (for me). It is a session in which a hypnotherapist, through a recording, guides you to a trance-like state which can be used to help you sleep. My recommendation would be to listen to any sleep hypnosis by Michael Sealey or Jason Stephenson.

relax your way to sleep

10. Relax your way to sleep

If you do not feel sleepy after staying in bed for more than 15 mins, then get up and turn to the activities which make you feel relaxed. It could be listening to your favorite music, having a cup of tea, or reading a book.

If your sleep situation is not resolved by applying these, and your sleep cycle is severely impacting your routine, then consult a doctor.

The entire world is stalled right now. We never presumed that we could land up in such a situation where gyms, offices, transport, and restaurants would be shut for days. Here are my thoughts on the productivity crisis during quarantine one of the major feeling I’m overcoming at present.

Quarantine and productivity crisis

While governments and researchers are trying to make things better, most of us are either working remotely or not working at all.

This could have been our ideal getaway from the daily hustle. Where we did not have to work towards anything and relax at home. Since, we did not plan for this, some of us are left feeling unproductive, even the ones who were waiting for a break to work on some projects or ideas.

We are wired to work and move from one task to another. So now, when we see this sudden change disrupting everyday lifestyle, we don’t know how to function. I spoke to many people during this time, and everyone is feeling the similar guilt of being unproductive during quarantine.

In times like this, most of us are overwhelmed by the news and the numbers of increasing cases and deaths. Therefore, it is okay to let go of the pressure of being productive.

laziness during quarantine creating productivity crisis

You do not have to read every book on the bookshelf right now.
You do not have to produce more content.
You do not have to start that hobby.
You do not have to create something new.
You do not have to work out each day.
You do not have to finish all your pending chores.
You do not have to exercise more.
You do not have to cook masterpieces.
It is okay to slow down and not feel guilty about it.

While there’s a list of activities that I can share, to make the most of these days (and I might), but Hey! You don’t have to make the most of it.

Stay positive, take care of your health, these are the only things that matter right now. You don’t have to be creative for the sake of it.

Create art when you feel aligned with the feeling of creating it.

Don’t let the pressure of being productive make you feel worse during this time. We are all in this together, and we are all uncertain. But, we will get through this.

Be patient with yourself and your craft. Don’t force yourself to be creative or productive.