


The word Growth Mindset has finally made its way from the lanes of personal development to mainstream corporate life. You may have heard it recently buzz in your organization comms. However, whenever such a word is popularized, its meaning gets distorted.

For a lot of people Growth Mindset can mean that they have a positive outlook towards life and are open and flexible with their approach towards change. While these maybe be good things to adapt this doesn’t necessarily mean that you have a growth mindset.

Definition of Growth Mindset by Dr. Carol Dweck

The growth mindset is based on the belief that your basic qualities are things you can cultivate through your efforts. Although people may differ in every which way in their initial talents and aptitudes, interests, or temperaments, everyone can change and grow through application and experience.

In brief, Individuals who believe their talents can be developed (through hard work, good strategies, and input from others) have a Growth Mindset. Whereas, a person with fixed mindset believes that their Intelligence and Talents are innate gifts.

Most of us have a mix of these two mindsets, we may embrace ‘Growth Mindset’ in few areas of lives and ‘Fixed Mindset’ in other.

How it changes your approach towards life is where one mindset is based on Proving yourself the other encourages Learning. If you believe that you are naturally talented and cannot cultivate new talents, then you will simply keep looking for challenges only to label them as Failure or Victory. Whereas in Growth Mindset, you see these ‘Failures’ as ‘Room for Improvement’.

How to Develop a Growth Mindset


Assess your current state in life. Do you view yourself as an individual with a growth mindset? Figure out which mindset currently rules your life and which areas of your life can benefit from a growth mindset.

Seek Feedback not Validation

Do not seek validation for your skills and accomplishments from others, instead focus on people who can provide you constructive feedback. It will help you in improving consistently. When we look for validation, we end up taking up things or indulging in activities which we do not enjoy.

Embrace Challenges

When we are in our comfort zone, we see each challenge as setbacks.

Start seeing these challenges as opportunities, to learn and grow more. Enjoy these challenges as a problem-solving activity. Try things which you have never done before, take up activities that are new to you. It will help you in developing more trust and resilience in yourself.

Add ‘yet’ to your vocabulary

When discussing your achievements or growth, learn to use the word ‘yet’. Cultivating a growth mindset means understanding that your weaknesses and strengths are not fully developed yet. There will be areas where you lack not because you are inherently bad at them, but because you have not mastered them yet. It’s about believing that with enough practice and perseverance, you can achieve anything you set your mind to.

Focus on Efforts, not Outcomes

Measure your success by the efforts that you put in. It is the process that matters more than the final product. The process teaches us, gives us an opportunity to self-reflect and work on our mistakes and improve ourselves. It is important to know that defeat is not everlasting and every time you try to reach for something beyond your current state, you enhance your capabilities and knowledge.

Embracing a growth mindset can be a life changing decision. You can try implementing it in different areas of your life be it personal or professional. However, we can only know if something works for us when we try it. Personally, it has been useful for me as it helped me take risks and attempt the activities that I was never confident about.

Do experiment with the tips mentioned above, and feel free to share if you find them applicable in any specific area of your life.

If there is a word that I could use for almost everyone around me, it would be hyper-stimulated.
It has been a long time since I saw someone who was only walking or just having a conversation. Nowadays, we meet people only to get lost in our phones together.
It is not always a bad thing to scroll aimlessly now and again as it can take our minds off many things. However, it can mess us up if we make it a habit. We have accepted that it is inevitable that we will look at our phones first thing in the morning.
While it can cause significant mental health issues, and lead to loss of time and productivity. What I fear the most is the loss of our ability to THINK. When we excessively focus on absorbing the way others live and their opinions, we run the risk of losing touch with our own unique identity and perspective. So much information about other people and their lives and ongoing propaganda is designed to keep us from thinking for ourselves. It keeps us from evaluating our own aspirations, leaving no space for our original thoughts to exist.
We are a creature of habit and once we enter this vicious cycle of aimless scrolling, it gets difficult to turn back.
We waste Time, just because we can.
Too much information can lead to Brain Fog, and to deal with it we scroll some more. We feel drained, tired, and aimless; and the cycle continues.

Did you really need all that information in the first place?

What Can you do if you find yourself struggling with your screen time?

Avoid using your phone in the first and the last hour of your day

I cannot emphasize enough the importance of the activities that you do during these hours. You can literally change your life just by using this time efficiently.

Dedicated Screen time

We cannot avoid screens especially, if you are working from home or if your work is remotely linked to using screens. So when it comes to using we are definitely more prone to new kinds of problems. Dedicate time, especially for Scrolling and doing things aimlessly. It could be an hour or two that is something for you to decide. But, if you are scrolling, then do it consciously. Setting up a timer can help you get more clarity and control.

Be intentional about the content you want to see

Remember to always declutter your feed, and remove or mute the people that do not contribute positively to the life you want to build. Stop watching sensationalized news and events because you end up giving a lot of time and mental energy to things that leave you feeling drained.

Take up activities that provide lower stimulation

I have personally tried this method. Instead of thriving on fake dopamine and scrolling your way to contentment; use other methods like reading, yoga, or walking in nature. Reading for me personally has been the most rewarding for lowering my screen time.

The overuse of screen time can have a scary impact on our personal life, as social media creates a level of dopamine that the real world cannot compete with. This leaves us feeling unhappy, as our brain goes into a dopamine deficit.

Hope this read was insightful. Let me know your thoughts in the comments.

Not everything wrong in our life is our fault. We all come from different privileges, backgrounds that we have no control over, and some things that we cannot choose.
During our time on earth, we get hurt multiple times, face misfortunes, and have also been taken advantage of. Sometimes, we get into the trap of blaming other people for our miseries or the challenges that we are facing. It is okay to identify the root cause of your problem and also the people who cause them. But blaming circumstance or people for where you are in life gives them too much power over your destiny.


It is convenient to shift the responsibility for our failures to the horrible boss in the office, or a toxic family environment. While these situations do have a prominent effect on our lives, we still have some power to change the situation that we are in. It is easy to blame and shrug off the immediate responsibility that we have on ourselves but if we keep repeating the same story for a length of time, then we put ourselves in the danger of staying stuck in these toxic environments forever.

We convince ourselves that we have no control over what happens in our life as it is pre-written by our circumstances. We tell ourselves a story because it is easier for our minds to stay stuck in the known and comfortable. On the other hand, if we take responsibility for our problem, we will also have to take action, and blaming others is much better than blaming ourselves.

We are scared to step into this unknown territory of taking action. By blaming others, we are only hurting ourselves and the potential happiness that we can have. Blaming paralyzes us to take even one step further from our situation.
If we try looking at it from distance and acknowledge the mess around us, and take just one step to fix our little corner, we might end up solving our entire problem.

The goal is to not give our power away to situations and people. We are capable of changing the things around and inside of us, we might have to shout out for help, but that would also be a step that would take us in a new direction. If you feel stuck in one such circumstance in your life. Following actions may help you in becoming free.

Set an Intention to stop playing the Blame game

It is easy to point fingers at others when things go wrong. We see it in our work and personal life when something goes wrong, and people start looking for a scapegoat. Most of the time, people are looking to protect themselves by shifting the blame.

Take your power back

This means taking action on the things you can control. If you are going through a mentally tough situation, consider asking people for help or just own the bit of the problem that you can solve.

Pay attention when jumping on the blame wagon

Be aware the next time you start to shift the responsibility of your life to someone else. It is not that people are not horrible or toxic, but protect the corner of your sanity by bringing your awareness to yourself.

Find Empathy

Sometimes, it is hard to find forgiveness or recover the time we lost. Try looking at things from the other person’s perspective it will ease the pain that you experience. Find empathy for yourself if you acted out and went wrong at some point in time. Our relationship with ourselves dictates all the others, do not expect perfection in every situation from yourself.

Hope this piece helps you in seeing your life in a better light and take action to make it more amazing than it is today.

Welcome back to this space where I will again start pouring my heart out for the things I feel deeply. Pandemic was tough for everyone, and 2021 went by so fast and slow at the same time.

Some of you would be happy to know that I will start posting again. Life is always a whirlwind of emotions and circumstances sometimes, you feel like shutting yourself out from the world and staying protected in your cocoon but there are times when you miss the feeling of seeing the joy on other people’s faces to be a part of someone’s happiness or to be a warm shoulder in someone’s sadness. We all have our roles to play; it is crazy to think that despite everything that is going on in this world, some people would choose war over peace.

In 2021, I thought too much about the kind of pieces I wanted to share or what the world needs right now. And, to be honest, I felt discouraged to even sit in front of my laptop to write because I wasn’t able to come up with something that has never been shared before. As the time passed and my helplessness about this new kind of content grew, I started choosing to let go.

Let go of the idea that everything I write needs to have a meaning for all, or everything I do needs to be productive and helpful. The more I surrendered, the more opportunities I got to meet more people like me. Despite staying at home, my job offered us an opportunity to create web shows highlighting the importance of confidence, mental health, and many useful topics as a part of CSR activity. You can find those episodes on The Morning Show Episodes – Mumbai, Delhi, Kolkata, Bangalore – Map of Me

2021 was a pleasant year, I spent the majority of the time with my partner, and I couldn’t have asked for more and it was a much-needed pause.

Now that we are almost halfway through 2022 (a year goes by so fast), I feel more hopeful about writing and creating things, and above all posting them. Because, I think one year was enough for overthinking and assuming outcomes, sometimes we just have to do a few things for our soul, and going forward, I would choose that over anything else.

Thanks to everyone who followed up on my writing or YouTube and asked me questions like, ‘when is the next video or book is coming out?’ you may not know it, but it helped.

Hi! It has been a long time since my last blog. Here is my explanation. In the month of July, we started providing Online Yoga Classes through Città Space. Ater personal consultations of clients we observed that most of the diseases are aggravated or created by the three common health mistakes we make.

These slip-ups are okay if they are happening sporadically, but if these behaviors persists for long, they result into bad health and can also create diseases in our body.

These common mistakes are ,                                                                 

1. Not getting a good sleep

A girl sleeping - common health mistakes

We take a good sleep for granted as if it is forceful break that we have to take from our daily routine. However, if you are sleeping for less than 6 hours, you are preparing your body for a long-term damage. In rare cases, 4 to 5 hours of sleep can also yield great results, but they are rare. Most of us require minimum six hours of uninterrupted sleep to re-energize our bodies. An eight hour sleep makes our bodies more efficient and improves our immunity.

A good sleep not only makes our bodies well rested, our mood also improves as we are less irritable. Creating a ritual around your bedtime helps in getting a better sleep. You can try few tips mentioned in my previous post.

2. Normalizing Stress

Time and again, I hear people say ‘How can I not be stressed? It is a part of life’. Well, it is not. If you are stressed out most of the time, then you are pushing your body towards diseases and ill health. Stress is not just mental, it creates changes in or physical body too.

Quick Science: Stress creates ‘fight or flight’ response. In your brain, the hypothalamus tells your adrenal glands to release the stress hormones adrenaline and cortisol. These hormones increase your heartbeat and send blood rushing to the areas that need it most in an emergency, such as your muscles, heart, and other important organs. When the perceived fear is gone, the hypothalamus should tell all systems to go back to normal. If the brain activity fails to return to normal, or if the stressor doesn’t go away, the response will continue

Stress makes you overwork your organ systems. There is more to risk than just your mood, when you are under stress consistently. (Caution: Please don’t stress about getting stressed.)

3. Not drinking enough water

drinking water common health mistakes

We take hydrating ourselves for granted too, another one of the common health mistakes that can create diseases and interrupt the proper functioning of our body. Dehydration reduces the oxygen level in our body, which lowers our stamina and energy. One should consume a minimum of 2-litre of water each day. Drinking water also helps in removing toxins from your body and makes your body and skin healthy.

While there are many mistakes which we make with our bodies but these three are the most overlooked. These are the observations that I made while attending the personal consultations of our clients with their Yoga trainers. Though, I would love to write about all the things one can do to create a healthy body, let us start with these three items first.

Gratitude Lists can bring noticeable changes to your days and emotional well-being in the longer run. Especially, in times like this, when we are lacking the will to look forward to the day with zest.
As the name suggests, the gratitude list consists of the things that you are grateful for in your life. It could be a person, a special moment of your day, or the littlest things that can bring a smile on your face.

It is one of the most effective habits that is helping me to get through the day with enthusiasm. When the lockdown first began, it was tough for me to gather my thought and adjust to this new routine, but this simple practice helps to put things in perspective.


How to create a gratitude list?

You can begin by writing 3-10 things that you are grateful for each day. Do not simply write, pause, and feel the emotion of being thankful, while writing down. It accomplishes more when you classify the list into three different sections.

  1. People that you are grateful for: it could be your family, friend, or any stranger who helped you along the way.
  2. Circumstances that you are grateful for: the place that you are living at, the services you can leverage, etc.
  3. One the little thing that brings a smile to your face, it could be your favorite pillow, your beloved chair, or your favorite mug.

When is the right time to create it?

Gratitude lists could be a part of your daily habit. The best time to fill it in would be right after waking up or before going to bed. I prefer to write it after waking up, it helps to build the momentum for the whole day.

How does it help?

Most of us carry an unseen amount of pressure and criticism for ourselves during our day. We tend to ignore the things we are blessed with and focus on what we lack. We go to bed and wake up with a task to work on our shortcomings and mistakes.

How many times are we unable to sleep at night because of being haunted by a random memory of a silly thing we did in school?

When you will start filling in the gratitude list every day. You will notice more things to be thankful for because you will be looking ahead to make an entry on your list.

Sleeping helps in reviving our bodies and preparing it for the next day, but when that is disordered, our bodies and mood are likely to feel slumped. On the other hand, oversleeping can make us feel unfocused and lifeless throughout the day. Here are some tips to help you sleep peacefully during the lockdown. If you are having trouble sleeping or you are oversleeping and your sleep cycle is entirely messed up, you are not alone. Everyone has been having trouble getting proper sleep during this time. The sleep cycle differs each day, either by oversleeping or sleeping for less than 6 hours in a day.

Why is our sleep cycle disturbed?

natural light in city
Photo by Matthew Landers on Unsplash

1. The lack of natural light

Our bodies usually feel like sleeping as it gets darker during the day, but the absence of natural light indoors creates an imbalance in our body clock. As most of us are staying inside most of the time, our bodies are out of rhythm.

2. Limited physical activity

Imagine your daily routine without a lockdown and all the activities that you perform throughout the day. We spend time commuting, running errands, going to the office, all these activities require energy and by bedtime, that energy is depleted. These everyday activities help us to sleep peacefully.

Photo by Maiko Valentino on Unsplash

3. Stress and Anxiety

One thing that we know is that it is not leisure time for working from home, we are trying to work during a global health crisis. On regular days there are so many ways you could have spent this time. Catching up with friends, sitting in a café, traveling, or working from a prettier location, but all those things are not happening. The stress of household chores and the pressure of utilizing this time to the best of our ability, is adding more discomfort. The news of the rising number of cases and death, there’s a lot to be anxious about, which degrades the quality of our sleep.

How to sleep better?

sleeping on bed peacefully during lockdown

1. Use your bed only for sleeping

Are you reading, watching Netflix and working from home on your bed? If yes, then find another spot. Get a chair, or find some other place to sit, and leave your bed alone. If we are spending most of the time on the bed, then we are slumping during the day and staying less alert throughout. Using your bed solely when you want to take a nap will help your body get comfortable when you want it to.

taking a nap on sofa

2. Avoid napping

Though one quick nap in the afternoon helps, but are we taking just one nap? Your sleep cycle is likely to be disturbed if you are taking multiple naps during the day. You would not feel like sleeping at the right time if your body has been resting throughout the day.

3. Regulate your news consumption

Pick a fixed time to watch the news and do not stay glued to your phone or TV while watching it. Limit yourself to 20 minutes of news consumption each day. Turn off the notification, if you have an app for news on your phone. This can significantly lower your stress level, and lead to a night of better sleep.

4. Create your routine

Decide the time you want to sleep. You have the liberty to decide when you want to start or your day, whether it is 5 AM or 1 PM. Define a fixed time to sleep for at least 6 hours. If you wake up at a time different time each day, you are going to oversleep or be sleep deprived. Pick a consistent bedtime.

5. Have a light dinner

Avoid being too full before bedtime. We should keep a difference of roughly 2 hours between our dinner and bedtime. Do not consume sugar or caffeine before bed, as it can swing the energy level. Take timely meals during the day, we are likely to eat more and untimely, but repress the urge of snacking.

exercise to sleep peacefully

6. Work out regularly

Since there is a very less physical activity when you are indoors, the only thing which gets tired is our mind, not our bodies. Work out regularly to keep the energy flowing through your body and release endorphins. Work out also helps in managing stress better and creating a healthier place for your body and mind.

7. Deep breathing before bedtime

Take deep breaths before you want to fall asleep, do not use your phone after this practice. Deep breathing helps in bringing our attention to our bodies and makes us more present. It helps in releasing the stress we cultivate throughout the day. You can practice deep breathing before 15 minutes of your desired bedtime.

stretching to sleep peacefully during lockdown

8. A good stretch before bedtime

Stretching your body before bed helps in releasing any tension that your body might be carrying. Stretching helps in sleeping faster and improves the quality of sleep.

9. Use sleep hypnosis

This one is my favorite way to sleep and it works every time (for me). It is a session in which a hypnotherapist, through a recording, guides you to a trance-like state which can be used to help you sleep. My recommendation would be to listen to any sleep hypnosis by Michael Sealey or Jason Stephenson.

relax your way to sleep

10. Relax your way to sleep

If you do not feel sleepy after staying in bed for more than 15 mins, then get up and turn to the activities which make you feel relaxed. It could be listening to your favorite music, having a cup of tea, or reading a book.

If your sleep situation is not resolved by applying these, and your sleep cycle is severely impacting your routine, then consult a doctor.

The entire world is stalled right now. We never presumed that we could land up in such a situation where gyms, offices, transport, and restaurants would be shut for days. Here are my thoughts on the productivity crisis during quarantine one of the major feeling I’m overcoming at present.

Quarantine and productivity crisis

While governments and researchers are trying to make things better, most of us are either working remotely or not working at all.

This could have been our ideal getaway from the daily hustle. Where we did not have to work towards anything and relax at home. Since, we did not plan for this, some of us are left feeling unproductive, even the ones who were waiting for a break to work on some projects or ideas.

We are wired to work and move from one task to another. So now, when we see this sudden change disrupting everyday lifestyle, we don’t know how to function. I spoke to many people during this time, and everyone is feeling the similar guilt of being unproductive during quarantine.

In times like this, most of us are overwhelmed by the news and the numbers of increasing cases and deaths. Therefore, it is okay to let go of the pressure of being productive.

laziness during quarantine creating productivity crisis

You do not have to read every book on the bookshelf right now.
You do not have to produce more content.
You do not have to start that hobby.
You do not have to create something new.
You do not have to work out each day.
You do not have to finish all your pending chores.
You do not have to exercise more.
You do not have to cook masterpieces.
It is okay to slow down and not feel guilty about it.

While there’s a list of activities that I can share, to make the most of these days (and I might), but Hey! You don’t have to make the most of it.

Stay positive, take care of your health, these are the only things that matter right now. You don’t have to be creative for the sake of it.

Create art when you feel aligned with the feeling of creating it.

Don’t let the pressure of being productive make you feel worse during this time. We are all in this together, and we are all uncertain. But, we will get through this.

Be patient with yourself and your craft. Don’t force yourself to be creative or productive.

We spend a major part of lives at our workplace and if it is not the work we really love then it is difficult to be motivated or enjoy it each day.

So here are few tips to make those work hours happier than usual.

Most of the people that I work with are not usually the happiest in office. For those of you working in a corporate environment you know what I am referring to, people are mechanical and disconnected and it is hard to stay cheerful and happy in such an environment. Whether you have your own business, or work for a company; we can’t let happiness get away from us for 8 hours straight, can we?

1. Give Thanks

Give thanks

If you have the opportunity to work and contribute towards a business, be grateful. Even if you hate your job, there is a reason you are still working there, be it for money or to learn new work ethics. Pay your thanks right before you start working each day. It keeps you motivated for a few hours.

2. Avoid office gossips

avoid gossip to be happierat work

It is a big ‘No’ if you want to keep your happiness intact. It is easy to fall into the trap of criticising a coworker behind their back. But, it can soon turn in to an exaggerated rumour you never expected to hear. Few people or colleagues, will only bond over gossiping, avoid such a company at all costs, being alone is better than being unhappy.

3. Practice mindfulness

mindfulness among the trees, how to be happier at work
This pic is to make you feel relaxed, it has nothing to do with mindfulness

No matter how hard you try some days will still be hard to handle. Work towards resolving such issues rather than letting it build up into something bigger. If your tough work day has no remedy, then,
– Check if your office has a quiet room or space where you can be alone.
– Leave your phone behind for 5 mins and practice deep breathing.
– If you can’t find a place alone, then take ten mindful breaths at your desk.
This takes away your attachment from the current scenario and makes you feel indifferent towards the situation. You can also practice conscious breathing while sipping your favourite beverage at work.

4. Make a to-do list

checklist to increase productivity and happiness

Make a list of activities that you are required to perform. It helps in keeping your mind from wandering here and there and focus on the tasks at hand. You get more done during the day and with more clarity. I prefer having handwritten list but you can choose according to your convenience.

5. Do not stay seated for more than 30 Minutes

If you have a desk job, you would be required to stay in one place for long hours, but to maintain your health and refresh yourself. Walk for a few minutes after you have spent 30 minutes sitting. You can have some water at this time, get some energy flowing through your body.

6. Do not say ‘Yes’ when you don’t want to

Sometimes, your colleagues might ask you to take up more tasks as a favour or help. While it is good to help others, it must never come at the expense of your balanced work schedule. Say yes only when you mean it. Learn to refuse politely to maintain a healthy balance of work. Many of the time, we take additional work and then complain about it in front of others. Creating healthy boundaries helps in maintaining peace of mind.

7. Use your support system

people sitting together discussing life

When nothing else works, that wonderful support system you have as a friend, family, or partner, get in touch with them.
My first corporate coach conducted one whole session on creating a strong support system that we can lean on in times of distress, and that advice has worked well in creating happiness at work hours too. On not so happy days instead of being upset about things and keeping them in. Make plans with your family or friends, have a nice dinner (home-cooked or dine out) together. If you live alone, call that one person whose name has just popped in your head. If you have a happy life outside of work, the work pressure is likely to reduce and you are going to show up happier at work.

8. Do not work when you are not at work

work only in the working hours to be happier at work

Many of us have a bad habit of checking our emails, even when we are not working. This leads to additional stress, and over time you will not be able to enjoy the hours when you are not working, because you have cultivated a habit of being available on emails on weekends too. Overworking is also an addiction.

9. Go out for a walk

walk to be happier at work

Walks are so underrated, go out, and walk for at least 20 minutes, each day. It not only helps you physically it is also helpful in bringing in more peace. A 30 minute is good enough to start with,to be happier at work.

Hope this tips help you let me know below what are your hack to be happier at your work.

Hasn’t the news gone more worrying these days? We are subjected to constant hate and fear as long as the news channels are on. This could be the cause of increased compassion fatigue.

What is Compassion Fatigue?

Compassion Fatigue is a state experienced by those helping people or animals in distress; it is an extreme state of tension and preoccupation with the suffering of those being helped to the degree that it can create secondary traumatic stress (STS) for the helper. – compassionfatigue.org/

It is often referred to as the cost of caring for people who are in physical or emotional pain.

Compassion fatigue

This used to be common with people who were in the helping profession, but with too much going on in the world, many of us are facing compassion fatigue.

This can lead to a gradual lessening of compassion over time. When we see so many disturbing news, one after the other, we stop empathising after a while, as we don’t have time to process them individually. They just line up one after the other.

War threats
Australian fires
Climate change
Economic crisis
Inequality and discrimination
People being unusually hateful towards others

At times, I feel that I am too exhausted to care. The other times, I feel guilty of not doing my part by sharing about a cause on Social Media.

All this information used to stay in the News, but now it is with us each time we are on the internet. Each day brings a new heavy subject and makes me question the world that we are living in.

It is crucial to raise your voice on the problems that matter to you. But, if you are like me, the constant conflict of whether you are doing enough or not can drain you out.

Why is it important to have compassion?

You cannot have compassion for others if you don’t have it for your self.

‘Compassion gives us inner strength; it gives us self-confidence and that reduces fear, which, in turn, keeps our mind calm. Therefore, compassion has two functions; it causes our brain to function better and it brings inner strength.’

Dalai Lama

Staying in touch with your emotions helps you choose the right path, stay connected to the universe and with yourself.

How to know if it is Compassion Fatigue?

  • Depersonalisation
  • Hypersensitivity or complete insensitivity to emotional material
  • Identity, worldview, and spirituality impacted
  • Feeling burdened by the suffering of others
  • Chronic exhaustion (emotional, physical, or both)
  • Reduced feelings of sympathy or empathy
  • Feelings of irritability, anger, or anxiety

How to overcome Compassion fatigue?

Start with self-care

tea and poetry. Doing what you love helps decreasing compassion fatigue

Connect with your emotions and give time to yourself. You cannot care for others without taking good care of your own. Check-in with yourself on how you are feeling each day, and take the necessary steps to boost yourself if you are feeling low. You can listen to your favourite music, cherish your preferred drink, go to a beautiful place and just be with yourself.

Limit your news intake

girl reading news, avoid compassion fatigue

Do not stay glued to the news. If you want to stay updated, choose 15 minutes of your day to check up on news. Most importantly, don’t trust social media with the news, most of them are fake, please do a fact-check using websites like altnews.in before forming any opinions.

Talk to your loved ones

two women sitting and talking to each other

Call the friend who makes you feel better, talk to your partner, parents. It is healing to speak your mind with the ones you love. Even one conversation like this each day can help to reduce your stress levels.

Practice Mindfulness

Photo by Matteo Di Iorio on Unsplash

Create a practice that makes you feel present and engaged in the moment. It could be meditation or some activity that you enjoy, like sports, painting, or any other form of art. Mindfulness helps in bringing awareness to your current state and takes the power away from overthinking, and constant chatter.

Recharge yourself

Eat well and workout to build resilience and recover yourself from ongoing chaos. Slow down and sleep well. Do not engage in social media right after waking up and right before sleeping.

If the symptoms are severe and persist after applying the above, please seek a therapist.
I hope this helps you if you are struggling with caring too much. Let me know your thought in the comment section below.