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If there is a word that I could use for almost everyone around me, it would be hyper-stimulated.
It has been a long time since I saw someone who was only walking or just having a conversation. Nowadays, we meet people only to get lost in our phones together.
It is not always a bad thing to scroll aimlessly now and again as it can take our minds off many things. However, it can mess us up if we make it a habit. We have accepted that it is inevitable that we will look at our phones first thing in the morning.
While it can cause significant mental health issues, and lead to loss of time and productivity. What I fear the most is the loss of our ability to THINK. When we excessively focus on absorbing the way others live and their opinions, we run the risk of losing touch with our own unique identity and perspective. So much information about other people and their lives and ongoing propaganda is designed to keep us from thinking for ourselves. It keeps us from evaluating our own aspirations, leaving no space for our original thoughts to exist.
We are a creature of habit and once we enter this vicious cycle of aimless scrolling, it gets difficult to turn back.
We waste Time, just because we can.
Too much information can lead to Brain Fog, and to deal with it we scroll some more. We feel drained, tired, and aimless; and the cycle continues.

Did you really need all that information in the first place?

What Can you do if you find yourself struggling with your screen time?

Avoid using your phone in the first and the last hour of your day

I cannot emphasize enough the importance of the activities that you do during these hours. You can literally change your life just by using this time efficiently.

Dedicated Screen time

We cannot avoid screens especially, if you are working from home or if your work is remotely linked to using screens. So when it comes to using we are definitely more prone to new kinds of problems. Dedicate time, especially for Scrolling and doing things aimlessly. It could be an hour or two that is something for you to decide. But, if you are scrolling, then do it consciously. Setting up a timer can help you get more clarity and control.

Be intentional about the content you want to see

Remember to always declutter your feed, and remove or mute the people that do not contribute positively to the life you want to build. Stop watching sensationalized news and events because you end up giving a lot of time and mental energy to things that leave you feeling drained.

Take up activities that provide lower stimulation

I have personally tried this method. Instead of thriving on fake dopamine and scrolling your way to contentment; use other methods like reading, yoga, or walking in nature. Reading for me personally has been the most rewarding for lowering my screen time.

The overuse of screen time can have a scary impact on our personal life, as social media creates a level of dopamine that the real world cannot compete with. This leaves us feeling unhappy, as our brain goes into a dopamine deficit.

Hope this read was insightful. Let me know your thoughts in the comments.